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Lately I have been writing a lot of C++ on Linux and have been really enjoying it.  I love the flexibility of jumping right in on the terminal, writing my code, and compiling all from one spot.    As my writing continued and my program evolved I realized that I needed some worker threads to process some pretty expensive computation that I did not want hogging my main thread.

Over the last year or so the Drupal projects I have been involved with at work have required the need to work with a lot of video files being maintained in Drupal.  Well, as you can imagine the larger the files we are maintaining the greater the strain this puts on our host to serve the files.

To illustrate the ease of using vanilla JavaScript over jQuery I decided to create a list of five examples that would demonstrate parallel behavior between JavaScript and jQuery.  The examples in this list are intended to be real world examples, but if you have any other examples I would love to hear about them too!

Another great resource to compare JavaScript and jQuery code samples is You Might Not Need jQuery.


If you have spent any time writing Object Oriented PHP or Drupal PHP you will know that there are many instances where it can be handy to know exactly what you are dealing with at a specific point in your code.  For example, possibly you are troubleshooting an issue and cannot figure out why a variable is not acting as it should, or maybe you are writing logging routines to make sure all of your exceptions are logged for future troubleshooting.

In the last 6 months or so I have noticed that a lot of the JavaScript that I have been writing to perform DOM traversal, manipulation, and event handling has gone back to vanilla JavaScript.  Outside of writing Drupal themes I find myself not wanting to use jQuery at all.  So, what is happening here?  How did I go from a web developer that primary uses jQuery as his library of choice to completely removing it from my arsenal for everything that is outside of Drupal themes?