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When dealing with a high traffic web site it is often nice to implement some sort of caching mechanism or load balancer into your site architecture.  Varnish cache is often a popular caching daemon used to serve cached web pages.  Varnish in most cases also acts as a reverse proxy and detects values in the header of the request to delegate traffic in a specific way.

Today I was catching up on some back episodes of the Shop Talk Show , a podcast all about front end web development and design, and Dave Rupert, one of the hosts, mentioned that his company, Paravel , had been hired by Microsoft to recreate one of their old sites from 1994.  Now I know that does not seem that long ago, but in internet time, 1994 is like the dawn of time.

This year I was lucky enough to attend LinuxCon in Chicago.   Three days of project demos, technical presentations, and code sprints all centered around the Linux ecosystem.

I have been developing a concept lately in which I thought I got all of the kinks worked out, but it looks like I am having some issues.  Basically in my iOS application I have a model that holds all of the data for my application and in that model I have a UIModel that inherits from my model where I build out all of my UI elements that are to be used throughout my application in many different places.

One the new emerging technologies on the web that I have kept my eye is web components.  What are web components?  Web components are a set of standards that allow developers to group styles, markup, and JavaScript into custom elements to then be output in custom tags defined by the developer.  What does all of that mean?